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. 2010 Feb 7;6:5. doi: 10.1186/1746-4269-6-5

Table 1.

Plants used by Orang Asli in Kampung Bawong, Perak of West Malaysia

Botanical Family Botanical name Local Malay Dialect Part Used Medicinal Uses
Acanthaceae Barleria lupulina Lindl Penawar Seribu Bisa Leaves Fresh leaves are used to remove warts

Barleria prionitis Linn. Hempedu landak Leaves Leaves are crushed and make into paste and applied over the inflamed area

Dipteracanthus repens (L.) Hassk. Deras malam Leaves Powder of dried leaves is mixed in warm water and drink to remove kidney stones

Eranthemum borneense Hook f. Sangsangkaruk Leaves Paste of leaves is applied to treat muscle cramps

Strobilanthes crispus Blume. Bayam karang Leaves Fresh leaves are masticated and swallowed as such to enhance the immune system

Annonaceae Annona muricata Linn. Durian Makkah Leaves Leaves are used to treat to kill all types of lice

Fruits Fruit juice is used to treat Stomach pain and hypertension

Uvaria sorsogonensis C.Presl. Segombong Leaves Decoction of the leaves is used to cure stomach ulcer

Araliaceae Arthrophyllum diversifolium Blume. Ondolus Roots Roots are boiled with water and drink to relieve body pain

Asteraceae Eupatorium odoratum Linn. Pokok kapalterbang Leaves Decoction of leaves is used as diuretic

Asclepiadaceae Hoya coronaria Blume. Takop Leaves Crushed leaves are applied to cure cuts and wounds

Bombacaceae Bombax ceiba Linn. Kapok Leaves Leaves are soaked into water and the decoction is taken for bath to treat body pain

Caesalpiniaceae Caesalpinia crista Linn. Gorek Seeds Seeds are crushed and mixed with sambal for appetite

Caprifoliaceae Sambucus javanica Reinw. ex Blume Kerak nasi Leaves Crushed the leaves with water and applied on inflamed parts to reduce pain and inflammation

Clusiaceae Garcinia mangostana Linn. Mangusta Fruit Fresh juice is used as nutrient drink

Pericarp Dried powder is used to heal the open wounds

Compositae Artemisia argyi Levi. et Vant. Ulam mak wan Leaves Fresh leaves are chewed in case of cough

Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merr. Daun dewa Leaves Fresh leaves are used for to control blood glucose level

Connaraceae Agelaea macrophylla (Zoll.) Leenh. Akar pinang kutai Leaves The paste of leaves is used to treat acne

Cnestis platantha Griff. Binsangut Leaves Young leaves are warmed and applied to treat high fever

Euphorbiaceae Croton caudatus Geisel Tapasan komudi Roots Roots are boiled and the infusion is used as Nutrition.

Euphorbia tirucalli Linn. Mentulang Latex Latex is used to remove warts

Jatropha curcas Linn. Jarak Belanda Leaves Paste of young leaf is applied to treat cuts and wounds

Roots Roots are boiled and infusion is taken to treat diarrhea

Phyllanthus niruri Linn. Dukung Anak Whole plant Decoction of whole plant is used to treat jaundice

Fabaceae Parkia speciosa Hassk. Petai Seeds Fresh seeds are cooked and used to treat kidney disorders

Gnetaceae Gnetum leptostachyum Blume. Langod-langod Whole plant The plant was boiled in water and drink for relieve fever and flu

Lauraceae Cassytha filiformis Linn. Cemara Puteri Whole Plant Concoction used for the treatment of impotency

Leguminosae Archidendron ellipticum Blume. Bulinat Leaves Leaves are used to kill lice

Bauhinia semibifida Roxb. Daup-daup Roots Roots are boiled and the infusion is used to treat fatigue

Peltophorum pterocarpum (DC) K. Heyne Cugah Barks Powdered barks are applied on the affected area to treat psoriasis

Pongammia pinnata Linn. Kacang kayu laut Leaves and Seeds Fresh leaves and seeds are crushed and applied to repel insects

Barks Decoction of barks is used to kill intestinal worms

Loranthaceae Dendrophoetoe constricta Dans. Salidan Leaves Paste of leaves is applied to treat headache

Malvaceae Abutilon indicum Linn. Kembang Lohor Leaves Poultice in the treatment of fever

Hibiscus rosa sinensis Linn. Bunga Raya Root barks Root barks is soaked in water for overnight and taken in empty stomach to treat ulcer

Hibiscus tiliaceus Linn. Daun baru Barks Dried powder is used to cure all types of sexually transmitted diseases

Meliaceae Aglaia odorata Lour. Pacar cina Flowers An infusion is used to reduce fever
Trichilia trijuga Roxb Kayu kaling Barks Fresh barks are crushed and the juice is applied to cure cuts and wounds

Menispermaceae Tinospora crispa Linn. Pokok patawali Stem Decoction of the stem is used to treat diabetes

Myrsinaceae Ardisia colorata Roxb. Pacar inai Leaves Decoction of the leaves is used to cure viral infections such as herpes zoster, measles

Ardisia crenata Sims. Mata Ayam Whole Plant The crushed juice is used to treat earaches and fever

Myrtaceae Syzygium cerina Hend. Bagu Roots Roots are boiled with water and drink as an energizer

Syzygium samarangenese Blume. Red Jambu Leaves Leaves are used to treat skin infections

Oleaceae Jasminum sambac (L.) Ait Kampupot Leaves Young leaves are soaked in cold water and drink to treat gallstones

Roots Roots are boiled and the infusion is taken to treat diabetes mellitus

Oxalidaceae Averrhoa bilimbi Linn. Tulod-ulod Leaves A cocktail of the leaves along with the fruit is used to treat Syphilis

Orchidaceae Bulbophyllum mutabile (Bl.) Lindl Tatau Leaves Leaves are boiled and the decoction is used to treat fever

Poaeceae Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. Lalang Whole plant Dried powdered plant is applied over the wounds to prevent microbial infections

Portulacaceae Talinum triangulare (Jacq.) Willd. Akar singsum Flowers Powder of dried flowers is mixed with tea and drink to treat asthma

Rubiaceae Morinda citrifolia Linn. Bingkudu Fruits Fruits juice is used to treat Jaundice

Oldenlandia diffusa (Willd.) Roxb. Siku-siku Leaves Juice of fresh leaves is used as Sedative

Ruscaceae Sansevieria trifasciatai Prain. Snake plant Leaves 2 or 3 drops of fresh juice is instilled into ear to reduce pain and inflammation

Sapotaceae Planchonella obovata (R. Br.) Pierre Gombirat Leaves A paste of the leaves is applied on the forehead to relieve headache

Schizaeaceae Lygodium circinnatum Burm. Ribu-ribu Leaves Infusion of leaves is used to cure eye infection

Simaroubaceae Eurycoma longifolia Jack. Tongkat ali Roots Decoction of roots with tea is used as sexual stimulant

Solanaceae Solanum nigrum Linn Terong meranti Fruits and Leaves Fruits and leaves are chewed to treat upper respiratory tract infections

Umbeliferae Centella asiatica Linn. Pegaga Leaves Leaves are boiled and the infusion is used for mother who just give birth

Verbenaceae Lantana camara Linn. Bunga Tahi Ayam Leaves Leaves are boiled with water and spray to repel insects

Stachytarpheta jamaicensis Linn. Vahl. Bunga malam Whole plant The whole plant was crushed with water and applied on the injured ligament to relieve the pain and inflammation

Zingiberaceae Curcuma petiolata Roxb. Temu Puteri Rhizomes Juice is used to cure stomach ache

Languas conchigera Burkill Lengkuas Kecil Rhizomes Minced rhizomes are used for digestion

Kaempferia galanga Linn. Cekur Rhizomes Juice of the rhizomes is used for the treatment of stomach pains and coughs

Zingiber ottensii Valeton Kunyit Terus Hitam Rhizomes The juice of the rhizomes is used to cure all types of bacterial infections