Table 1.
Peptide | Release location | Receptor (and receptor location) | Functions related to stress |
CRH | Central amygdala30,34,35 | CRHR1 (basolateral amygdala)30,34,38,78 CRHR2 (REF. 74) |
Stress/emotional memory, anxiety30,33,35,80 Termination of stress-related anxiety31-33 |
Locus coeruleus28 | CRHR1 (locus coeruleus)60,78 | Interaction with noradrenaline systems28 | |
Hippocampal interneurons27,56 | CRHR1 (pyramidal cells)11,39,48,56,78 | Stress-related learning and memory3,36,39 | |
BnST26,81 | CRHR1 (REFS 48,81) (nucleus accumbens)81 and CRHR2 (REFS 74,78,81) |
Stress-related anxiety26,30 | |
Urocortin | Non-ganglionic Edinger–Westphal nucleus41 |
CRHR1 and CRHR2 | Interaction with CRH systems during acute and chronic stress |
Urocortin 2 and 3 | CRHR2 (REF. 41) | Role in stress not established | |
Vasopressin | Hypothalamic dendrites BnST and amygdala25,26,43 |
V1A (septum, hippocampus, BnST and other areas) and V1B |
Stress-related and social memory, and perhaps emotionality25,26,43 |
Orexin | Lateral hypothalamic area26 | OX1 and OX2 | Stress-related energy and sleep homeostasis |
Dynorphin | Hippocampal dendrites82 | Several opioid receptors26 | Stress-related dysphoria26 |
BnST, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; CRH, corticotropin-releasing hormone; CRHR, CRH receptor; OX, orexin receptor; V1, vasopressin receptor 1.