Opsin shift and G protein-activating efficiency of the F208X/A269L double mutant active states of parapinopsin. A, correlation between the opsin shift in the active state of the F208X/A269L mutants and the volume of the amino acid introduced at position 208. B, correlation between the relative G protein activity of the F208X/A269L mutants and the volume of the amino acid introduced at position 269. Single letters indicate amino acids introduced at position 208. F indicates the A269L single mutant. Plus and minus values represent red shift and blue shift values, respectively. Each value of relative (Rel.) GTPγS bound is expressed as the mean ± S.E. of three separate experiments. The λmax values of the mutants are 492 nm (F208G/A269L), 493 nm (F208A/A269L), 493 nm (F208S/A269L), 473 nm (F208V/A269L), 470 nm (F208L/A269L), and 471 nm (F208W/A269L). The amino acid volumes are from Ref. 26.