Figure 1.
The effects of oleamide on inositol phosphate formation elicited by 5HT in P11 cells. (A) Phosphoinositide hydrolysis in P11 cells was measured in the presence of a single concentration of 5HT (10 μM) in the absence or presence of increasing concentrations of oleamide (1 nM–1 μM). Values plotted are inositol phosphates converted from labeled membrane phospholipids as a percentage of the maximal 5HT-induced response observed. Data are mean ± SEM of four experiments performed in triplicate. Asterisks indicate significant potentiation by oleamide using Student’s t test (two-tailed): ∗, P = 0.010–0.038; ∗∗, P = 0.0002. (B) Phosphoinositide hydrolysis was measured in response to increasing concentrations of 5HT in the absence (○) or presence (•) of oleamide (100 nM). Data points are mean ± SEM of five experiments performed in triplicate.