Figure 1.
Raw and averaged FSPs. Representative examples of superimposed raw FSP recordings and corresponding ensemble average in relation to the surface-recorded CDP (top first trace in A–C). The dark gray shading indicates the volley component of the CDP, and the light gray shading indicates the initial postsynaptic component. The dotted lines are placed at 0 mV. A. Data from a PW4 animal. A1 shows the CDP, and A2 shows raw (n = 27; black traces) and averaged (red trace) depth recordings 1 mm from the pial surface. The arrow points to the onset of a negative FSP in the monosynaptic range. A3 shows raw (n = 28) and averaged FSPs at a depth of 2 mm. The arrow points to a negative FSP in the monosynaptic range. B, Similar to A but for a PW8 animal and depth recordings (n = 25) only at 3 mm. The left arrow points to the onset of a small FSP, and the right arrow points to a larger one. C, Similar to the other parts of the figure but for a PW11 animal and depth recordings (n = 23) only at 1 mm.