Figure 2. Placenta contributes to sEng production in response to IgG from women with PE.
(A) Semi-quantitative RT-PCR was used to quantify endoglin mRNA abundance from mouse placentas. L: losartan, 7-aa, seven amino acid epitope peptide. (B) The ratio of Eng mRNA/β-actin mRNA was obtained by performing densitometric analysis of multiple agarose gels (n=8 mice for each group). * P < 0.05 versus mice injected with IgG from normotensive pregnant women; ** P < 0.05 versus preeclamptic IgG injection. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. (C) The expression levels of Eng and sEng protein were analyzed by western blot. The ratio of sEng (D) or Eng (E) protein to β-actin is used to represent the sEng and Eng expression levels. N=8 mice for each group. * P < 0.05 versus mice injected with IgG from normotensive pregnant women. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM.