Figure 5. Effects of lowering the Ca2+/Mg2+ ratio to 1 on LTD expression in adult and aged Sprague-Dawley rats.
A, top. Superimposed sample traces of evoked fEPSPs induced by the electrical stimulation of glutamatergic afferents in the stratum radiatum of an adult (left) and aged Sprague-Dawley rat (right) before (1) and 40 min after LFS induction (2). A, bottom. Averaged LTD expressed as percent change in the slope of fEPSP vs. time, recorded in slices from adult (n = 26) and aged (n = 21) animals. Note the absence of significant LTD in the two groups of animals. B. Comparison of LTD magnitude in slices as a function of the rest period (* p<0.05). Note that significant LTD is induced only at the longest delays after slicing, and that it is comparable in magnitude in adult and aged rats.