Effects of MMP-2 during Ca2+ channel blockade. IVC segments were contracted with Phe (10-5M), then treated with MMP-2 (1 μg/ml) for 10 min followed by the Ca2+ channel blocker diltiazem (10-6M) (A), or treated first with diltiazem followed by MMP-2 (B). Bar graphs (C) represent means±SEM of 3 measurements. Note that in IVC treated with MMP-2, diltiazem did not cause any further reduction in Phe contraction (A,C). In tissues treated with diltiazem the addition of MMP-2 caused further inhibition of Phe contraction (B,C).
* Statistically significant p<0.05
** Significantly different from tissue treated with MMP-2 or diltiazem alone p<0.01