FIG. 2.
Quantitative in-cell Western assay of TRPC3 and TRPC6 channel protein expression in monocytes treated with HG (30 mmol/l d-glucose) in the absence and presence of TMP (100 μmol/l), ONOO (100 μmol/l), l-glucose (30 mmol/l), or control (5.6 mmol/l d-glucose). A: Representative conventional Western assay (TRPC3 protein and GAPDH protein for loading control with top values indicating densitometric analysis of blots). The TRPC3/GAPDH ratio (fold over control) is also indicated. B and D: Representative in-cell Western assays and (C and E) summary data are shown. Data are means ± SEM from at least eight independent experiments. **P < 0.01 compared with control conditions.