MAO A IR was detected in noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus (A) and adrenergic neurons of the brainstem (B). In mice lacking MAO A, MAO A IR was absent of adrenergic neurons of the brainstem (C). In forebrain transgenic (Tg) mice, MAO A IR was absent in noradrenergic neurons (D) that express tyrosine hydroxylase (E) and serotoninergic neurons (F). In the somatosensory cortex of forebrain transgenic, MAO A IR was detected in the supragranular layers (II–IV) and in the infragranular layers (V–VI) (G). In the supragranular layers, MAO A IR was arranged in punctate clusters around the nucleus (arrows in H). In forebrain transgenic mice, MAO B IR was normally expressed in the serotoninergic neurons (I), histaminergic neurons (J), and cortical astrocytes (K and L). A3, adrenergic neurons of the brainstem; 3V, third ventricle; DR, dorsal raphe; LC, locus coeruleus. Scale bars: A and G = 175 μm; B and C = 350 μm; F and I–K = 400 μm; H and L = 85 μm.