Fig. 2.
Bootstrapping results illustrating significant differential age, sex, and age by sex interaction covariate moderation effects on the BPD criteria (a) factor loadings and (b) thresholds. Four points are used to show the form of the differential age, sex, and age by sex interactions effects for each DSM-IV BPD criteria. Each set of four points is separated by a broken vertical line. Criteria with significant differential moderation effects are labeled by points numbered 1–4. The left-most point is (a) the factor loading and (b) the threshold estimate ignoring any differential moderation effects. The next point to the right (2) shows the differential age moderation for males. The third point denotes the differential sex moderation effect (female). Finally, the fourth point adds in the differential moderation effect due to an age by sex interaction. Broken connecting lines between points 1 and 3 and between points 2 and 4 highlight differential sex and age by sex interaction moderation effects respectively.