Figure 5.
Ciliary transmembrane protein localization is disrupted in arl-13(tm2322) mutants. (A and B) Representative fluorescence images of the distal head region (nose) of worms expressing gfp-tagged ODR-10, OSM-9, TAX-2, and PKD-2 are shown. In tm2322 mutants, abnormal accumulations (arrowheads) are found in ciliary axonemes (ODR-10), near the ciliary base (ODR-10 and TAX-2; asterisks), or within the distal dendrite (OSM-9; arrowhead). In tm2322 mutants, PKD-2::GFP ciliary abundance is elevated in CEM and RnB cells, with cell body levels reduced (shown for CEMs). c, cilium. (C) Analysis of PKD-2::GFP ciliary abundance in CEM cells. The ratio of PKD-2::GFP signal intensities in individual CEM cilia (Fcilia) and individual CEM cell bodies (Fcell body) is shown. All images were captured and analyzed using identical settings. The number of cilia analyzed is shown in parentheses. Error bars indicate SEM. Bars: (A and B [first and second columns]) 2 µm; (B, third and fourth columns) 10 µm.