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. 2010 Mar 22;188(6):953–969. doi: 10.1083/jcb.200908133

Figure 7.

Figure 7.

arl-13 interacts synthetically with ciliopathy/ciliary transport genes to maintain cilium structure/morphology and IFT. (A) Compared with single mutants, arl-13;klp-11, arl-13;bbs-8, and arl-13;nph-4 mutants are SynDyf, failing to take up dye. Merged DIC–fluorescence head images from single and double mutants after a DiI uptake assay (arrows denote dye uptake) are shown. (B and C) PHA/B cilia morphology defects are enhanced in double mutants of arl-13 and ciliopathy/ciliary transport genes. B shows cilium morphology data from worms expressing a PHA/B cilium marker (srb-6p::gfp). Data for kinks/bulges represent the percentage of cilia with these defects. n, number of animals assayed for cilium length; N, number of cilia assessed for ciliary kinks/bulges; N*, number of cilia assessed for bulges. C shows fluorescence images of PHA/B cilia in single and double mutants. Arrowheads indicate axonemal bulges, and asterisks indicate the cilia base. (D) Anterograde IFT particle formation (marked by KAP-1::GFP and DYF-2::GFP) is defective in arl-13;dyf-5 double mutants compared with single mutants. Fluorescence images, kymographs, and kymograph schematics of single and double mutants expressing kap-1::gfp or dyf-2::gfp are shown. (E–G) Quantitative analysis of anterograde IFT kymographs (from animals expressing dyf-2::gfp). Unlike single mutants, in many arl-13;dyf-5 double mutants, moving IFT assemblies are not found (E) or are severely reduced in number (F). Fewer moving IFT particles also found in arl-13;bbs-8 double mutants compared with single mutants (G). (F and G) Error bars indicate SEM. Bars: (A) 10 µm; (C) 3 µm; (D) 2 µm.