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. 2010 Mar 3;10:12. doi: 10.1186/1472-6947-10-12

Table 5.

Comparison of the Booklet and Web-based Educational Tools (Study 3)

Section Summary of Content Features/Differences between Booklet and Web
Title page & introduction -Why you should read the material - The website included a tutorial on how to use the program and its interactive features, such as video testimonials, pop-outs, and animated diagrams.
-Includes table of contents - The website required participants to answer a question regarding their current beliefs about screening before they began reviewing the website. This question was followed by 2 tailored video testimonials.
- The booklet table of contents was located on the second page, and the booklet included section tabs along the edges of the pages for easy access to specific topics.
-The website table of contents was presented along the left side of each screen and allowed participants to select where to begin.

Know the basics about the prostate gland -What is the prostate, types of prostate problems - The first values clarification question was presented on the website.

Understand why there is no right or wrong choice about prostate cancer screening -Definition of screening, description of screening tests, screening recommendations from national organizations - Two values clarification questions were presented on the website.
- Information about whether screening will help men - Two video testimonials were presented on the website.

Learn the facts about prostate cancer screening -Steps involved in screening - Four values clarification questions were presented on the website.
-Screening accuracy -The website provided pop-out boxes with additional information about PSA testing (i.e. PSA velocity, race- and age- adjusted PSA, free vs. attached PSA).
-Is screening right for you -The booklet had a tree branch diagram describing screening accuracy, while the website had an animated diagram with text and audio.
-The booklet provided testimonial quotes from men who believed that screening was helpful and who questioned whether getting screened was helpful.

Facts you should know if prostate cancer is found---treatment issues -Deciding whether to treat prostate cancer: the risks of engaging in watchful waiting and the risks of treating the cancer. - Three values clarification questions were presented on the website.
-Information about Gleason Score, PIN, and over treatment - Two video testimonials were presented on the website.
-Treatment decisions and factors to consider - The website included pop-outs discussing the side effects of active treatment for prostate cancer.
- Types of active Treatment
-Information about late stage prostate cancer
-Side effects of treatment

Steps you can take to make the best choice about whether to be screened for prostate cancer -Know your risk factors: age, history, race, diet - The website provided pop-outs with statistics about risk factors, symptoms, etc. (provided charts and graphs).
-Learn the symptoms - The booklet provided a space where men could write in questions they would like to ask their doctor about prostate cancer screening.
-Talk with your doctor about screening---includes questions to consider when discussing screening with your doctor - The website allowed for men to print out the questions to ask their doctor that have been provided and urged men to write down any additional questions they had.

Values Clarification Exercise -Instructions for how to complete the worksheet -The booklet presented the worksheet questions on two pages, separating statements from men who decided to get screened from men who have decided not to get screened.
- The worksheet---includes 10 questions to determine if men are leaning towards or away from screening - The website allowed men to review and change their answers to questions, and to view a results page with a balance beam diagram. The balance diagram showed participants if they leaned toward screening or against screening. Men could print a summary of their responses.
- Values clarification questions were asked throughout the site and were located in sections corresponding to the content of the question.

Learn more about prostate cancer -Charts and graphs about ways to measure PSA, disease incidence and mortality, concerns about active treatment for older men, and side effects from treatment - The information that was seen in pop-ups earlier in the website was also available again at this point in the website, but the information was available in the booklet for the first time.

Additional sources for information about screening -Glossary -The website provided hyperlinks to the websites of organizations that could provide men with further information about prostate cancer.
-Contact information for organizations

General features - Audio vs. text -Only the website allowed for audio.
- Pop outs vs. text boxes -The website featured pop-out boxes, while the booklet had text boxes highlighting important information.
- Graphics -There were more visual features and graphics on the website than on the booklet, due to the nature of the website's design.
- Testimonials - The website presented 8 video testimonials, while the booklet presented 2 testimonial quotations.