Table V. 401(k) Return Performance Persistence.
This table shows the results of regressing year t 401(k) portfolio alpha on year t – 1 401(k) portfolio alpha, where t goes from 1998 to 2000. Columns 2 and 4 interact t – 1 alpha with dummies for whether that alpha is positive or negative. The 3-factor alpha controls for the market return, size effect, and book-to-market effect. The 4-factor alpha also controls for stock price momentum. Standard errors, clustered by company × year × employee's state of residence in year t, are in parentheses below the point estimates.
3-factor alpha | 4-factor alpha | |||
αt−1 | -0.1722** (0.0520) |
0.0213 (0.0614) |
at−1 × (αt −1 ≥ 0) | -0.2389** (0.0535) |
0.0912 (0.0859) |
at−1 × (αt−1 < 0) | 0.0276 (0.0488) |
-0.2061* (0.0881) |
Company × Year dummies | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
N | 73,872 | 73,872 | 73,872 | 73,872 |