The shoot apical meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana. (A) Aerial part of a wild-type plant of the Columbia ecotype (Col-0). The SAM is responsible for the production of rosette leaves and, after floral transition, for the production of the stem, cauline leaves, lateral meristems, and flowers of the inflorescence. (B) Details of the tip of the inflorescence, showing the highly organized positioning of flowers around the main axis (a spiral). (C) A dissected inflorescence meristem. Older flowers have been removed to expose the meristem surrounded by young floral buds. (D) Longitudinal section of an inflorescence meristem showing the layered organization (L1, L2, and L3 cell layers). L1 and L2 are also called the tunica and L3 to the corpus. The functional zones are also represented. At the meristem summit the central zone (CZ) contains the stem cells, whereas primordia are initiated in the peripheral zone (PZ). The rib zone (RZ) produces the internal part of the stem.