Function Component–Difficulty
5 None: You have no difficulty doing the activity
4 A little: You can do it alone with a bit of difficulty
3 Some: You can do it, but you have a moderate amount of difficulty doing it alone
2 Quite a lot: You can manage without help, but you have quite a lot of difficulty doing it
1 Cannot do: It is so difficult that you cannot do it unless you have help
Factors that may influence your level of difficulty: pain, fatigue, fear, soreness, ailments, disabilities.
Disability – Frequency
5 Very often: frequently, a lot of the time, a major part of your life.
4 Often: regularly, a regular part of your life.
3 Once in a while: infrequently, from time to time, occasionally
2 Almost never: very infrequently, rarely.
1 Never
Disability – Limitation
5 Not at all: no limitations
4 A little: Slight limitation
3 Somewhat: moderate limitation
2 A lot: heavy limitation
1 Completely