Figure 2.
The analyses in panel A-C are provided for the combined sex analysis as well as the analysis stratified for women and men. A. Manhattan plots showing p-values of association of each SNPs in the meta-analysis with plasma adiponectin levels. SNPs are plotted on the X-axis to their position on each chromosome against association with plasma adiponectin on the Y-axis (shown as −log10 P-value). B. Regional Manhattan plots showing significance of association of all SNPs in the ADIPOQ region (3q27). SNPs are plotted on the X-axis to their position on chromosome 3 against association with plasma adiponectin on the Y-axis (shown as −log10 P-value). In each panel, the top-SNP rs17366568 is shown as red diamond. The SNPs surrounding this top-SNP are color-coded (see inset) to reflect their LD with the top-SNP using pair-wise r2 values from the KORA study. Estimated recombination rates from HapMap-CEU are plotted in blue to illustrate the local LD structure on a secondary Y-axis. Genes and their direction of transcription are provided below the plots using data from the UCSC genome browser. C. Quantile-quantile (QQ) plots of SNPs. Expected p-values are plotted on X-axis against the observed p-values plotted on the Y-axis.