Figure 5.—
Comparison of mutant snf7 alleles facilitates categorization into functional groups. The cartoon represents the N- to C-terminal sequence of Snf7, with the alleles placed in order along the protein sequence. Assays are listed to the left of each row while snf7 mutant allele number is listed above each column. Rim101- and ESCRT-dependent assays are labeled to the right side. Open blocks indicate that the mutant snf7 allele behaves like wild-type SNF7, dark shaded blocks indicate that the mutant allele behaves like snf7Δ/Δ, and light shaded blocks indicate an intermediate phenotype. For FM 4-64 trafficking, the output is specific vacuolar staining. For alkaline filamentation, the output is percentage germ tube formation. For alkaline and LiCl growth assays, the output is colony size.