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. 2008 Oct;44(9-3):1206–1214. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2007.11.007

Table 1.

Participant characteristics (n = 42)

Mean (SD)
Age (in years) 37.9 (9.50)

Premorbid (NART) IQ 107.84 (8.97)
Current IQ 101.76 (9.04)
Education (in years) 13.50 (2.30)

Age at illness onset (in years)a 24.22 (7.51)
Duration of illness (years) 14.32 (10.51)

PANSS: positive 17.34 (4.44)
PANSS: negative 18.37 (4.26)
PANSS: general psychopathology 33.61 (6.52)

Total 69.32 (12.97)

Diagnosis (n)
Paranoid schizophrenia 32
Residual schizophrenia 3
Schizophrenia undifferentiated 1
Schizoaffective disorder 6

Current antipsychotic medication type (n)
Atypical 34
Typical 6
Both 2

Mean (SEM)

PPI (% inhibition)
30 msec 11.26 (4.59)
60 msec 22.62 (4.13)
120 msec 32.26 (4.94)

Startle amplitude (in arbitrary units) 202.35 (25.74)

Latency to peak (in msec)
Pulse-alone 69.32 (1.24)
30 msec 65.13 (1.59)
60 msec 65.01 (2.09)
120 msec 65.07 (2.12)

NART: National Adult Reading Test (Nelson and Willison, 1991).

PANSS: Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (Kay et al., 1987).


n = 41, Reliable information about the age at illness onset was unavailable for one participant.