Short-VEDEC has lower steady-state surface expression than Short-QEERL. A,
representative cell-surface biotinylation assays performed in HEK293T cells
heterologously expressing Short-QEERL or Short-VEDEC, as indicated. Top, cell
surface Slo1; bottom, expression of total Slo1. Signals were obtained by immunoblot
analysis using antibodies against the Myc tags. B, summary of densitometric analysis
of surface and total expression of Slo1 presented as mean ± S.E.M. from
three repetitions of the experiment shown in A. Top, normalized surface Slo1;
bottom, total expression of Slo1. C, representative traces of families of currents
obtained by whole-cell recording from HEK293T cells expressing Short-QEERL or
Short-VEDEC are shown to the right of a bar graph summarizing mean ±
S.E.M. of whole-cell current densities evoked by step pulses to +60 mV
(n = 34 cells). ∗, P <
0.05. D, voltage-dependence of activation determined in inside-out patches from
HEK293T cells expressing Short-QEERL or Short-VEDEC. Recordings were made in
symmetrical 140 mM KCl, and bath solutions contained 10 μM free
Ca2+. Representative traces are shown above voltage activation curves.
Data points are mean ± S.E.M. (n = 11 patches) with
superimposed fitted Boltzmann curves. Mean V1/2 derived
from the Boltzmann fits are −14.3 mV for Short-QEERL and +2.6 mV for