IREVEDEC and Penetratin-VEDEC peptides increase whole-cell currents in mouse
podocytes. Whole-cell recordings were made from differentiated mouse podocytes
treated with R-PE or IREVEDEC peptide using PULSin (A) or podocytes treated with
penetratin, or penetratin-VEDEC peptides (B). The recording electrode contained 5
μM free Ca2+, and currents were evoked by a series of
depolarizing steps from a holding potential of −60 mV. A, top,
representative whole-cell currents. Bottom, bar graph shows mean ±
S.E.M. of whole-cell currents at +60 mV with n = 33 cells in each
group (for IREVEDEC peptides) and 11 cells in each group for penetratin experiments.
∗, P < 0.05.