Bacterial internalization is essential for SLO-mediated DC apoptosis, and contributes to GAS-induced DC maturation. A, Percentages of hypodiploid cells in DC exposed to live wild-type (slo+) or SLO-deficient (slo−) GAS for 2 h at bacteria:DC ratio of 1, followed by 20 h incubation. Prior to infection, DC were treated with 5 μg/ml cytochalasin D (open bars) or untreated (closed bars). Cytochalasin D treatment did not prevent induction of apoptosis by an unrelated stimulus, actinomycin D (ActD). B, Up-regulation of CD83, CD80, and HLA-DR in DC exposed to GAS as described above. LPS-stimulation was used to analyze effect of cytochalasin D on an unrelated maturation stimulus. Means±SD of results from at least three independent experiments are shown.