Figure 2. Protein interaction of DISC1/Kal-7 regulates spine morphology in rat primary cortical neurons.
(a) Endogenous interactions of DISC1 with Kal-7 and PSD95 (red asterisks) by co-immunoprecipitation (IP) from primary cortical neurons and rat cerebral cortex. DISC1 did not bind Tiam1 norβPIX. Strong interactions of DISC1/Kal-7 and DISC1/PSD95 are observed in the synaptosomal fractions (double asterisks). Full-length blots are presented in Supplementary Fig. 17. (b) Spine shrinkage and reduced spine density by overexpression (for 2 days) of full length DISC1 (DISC-FL), but not by DISC1 lacking Kal-7 interaction (DISC1-ΔKal-7). Both DISC1-FL and DISC1-ΔKal-7 were localized in the dendritic spine (arrowheads). (c) Normalization of DISC1 knockdown-induced spine enlargement by DISC1-FL, but not by DISC1-ΔKal-7. (d) Increase in the frequency of mEPSC was normalized by the overexpression of DISC1-FLR, but not by that of DISC1-ΔKal-7R. Left, representative mEPSC traces; right, mEPSC amplitude and frequency. Bar, s.e.m. *P < 0.05, #P < 0.001.