APOE isoforms exhibit similar spine density in the hippocampus at 4 weeks of age. Mouse brains were Golgi stained and granule cells in the dentate gyrus and CA1 neurons were imaged (n = 4 mice/genotype). A, Left, A Golgi impregnation of the hippocampus of an APOE3 TR mouse at 2.5×. Right, A representative image of APOE3 TR mouse granule cells in the dentate gyrus at 20× magnification. B, Representative dendrites for the dentate gyrus per genotype. C, Averaged total spine density in the dentate gyrus (28 neurons/genotype). D, The cumulative percentage distribution plots of spine length. E, Representative image of APOE3 TR CA1 neurons at 10× magnification. F, Averaged data include quantification of AO (28 neurons/genotype). G, BS (28 neurons/genotype) spine number per 10 μm length.