Fig. 6.
Expression of Mmp-13 detected by in situ hybridization. (A) At 7 days after fracture, Mmp-13 (yellow) is strongly expressed in juvenile mice, (B) and its expression is weak in the middle-aged. (C) Just a few positive cells (arrows) are detected within fracture callus of the elderly. (D–F) Robust Mmp-13 expression is evident in fracture calluses of all three age groups at 10 days and (G–I) 14 days after fracture. (J) At 21 days, Mmp-13 expression is evident in fracture calluses of all three age groups at 10 days and (G–I) 14 days after fracture. (J) At 21 days, Mmp-13 expression is low in juvenile and (K) middle-aged mice, and (L) remains high within the calluses of elderly mice. Scale bar: A, B, D–L= 200 µm, C = 100 µm. Outlined area in (L) is cartilage.