Figure 7.
Illustration of anatomical queries based on volumetric information. A Fractional Anisotropy image and an image of a parcellation of the white matter are shown. The colored stars indicate the anatomical queries. On the left: Purple and red stars tag the inferio-frontal gyrus and middle-occipital gyrus on the left and right sides respectively, this query corresponds to the inferio-fronto-occipital fasciculus on the left and right hemispheres. Yellow stars tag the left and right middle-frontal-orbital gyrus, this query corresponds to the frontal forceps. On the right: white stars tag the pre and post central gyri, the angular, supra-marginal and superio-temporal gyri, this query corresponds to the arcuate fasciculus. The results of this queries on 4 subjects are exhibited in Figures 9 to 9 and tract probability maps for the mean bundles for every subject are shown in Figures 10 and 11.