Figure 7.
CARTp augments the inhibitory action of CCK on food intake after a short but not long fast. (A,B) Cumulative food intake over 0–40 and 0–80min, respectively, in rats fasted for 13 h and receiving CARTp (2 nmol, ip; ie “CART priming”) or saline followed 2 h later by CCK8s (10 nmol, ip) or saline and refeeding; CCK8s inhibited food intake over 0–40 min and CARTp had no effect on this but slightly increased food intake on its own. (C,D) Food intake over 0–40 and 0–80min, respectively, in rats fasted for 30 min and receiving a priming dose of CARTp or saline followed 2 h later by CCK8s (or saline) and refeeding; CARTp alone modestly inhibited food intake over 0–40 min compared with saline; CCK8s also inhibited food intake over the same period and CARTp enhanced this. (E,F) Food intake over 0–40 and 0–80 min, respectively, in rats fasted for 2.5 h and receiving CARTp or CCK8s (or saline) immediately before refeeding. CARTp alone did not significantly change food intake compared with saline, CCK8s inhibited food intake over 0–40 min and CARTp prolonged the action of CCK. N= 6 rats; a,b,c,d, Different letters denote significant differences between groups (p <0.05) ie a vs b; c vs a or b; d vs a, b or c.