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. 2010 Mar 30;25(Suppl 2):169–177. doi: 10.1007/s11606-009-1221-4

Table 1.

Strategies to Reduce Stereotype Threat for Minority Patients and Minority and Majority Trainees

Target of strategy
Interventions that reduced stereotype threat Minority patients Minority trainees Majority trainees
Self-affirmation exercise7679 Teach providers to elicit the patient’s values and strengths in clinical encounters Provide opportunities to affirm values and strengths during medical education Provide opportunities to affirm their egalitarian values before activities that may activate fears about own racism (such as cultural competency training)
Performance feedback that communicates high standards with assurance that the individual is capable of meeting those standards80 Teach providers to invoke high standards and assurance of the patient’s ability to meet those standards Teach medical school faculty to provide feedback to trainees that invokes high standards and assurance of the trainee’s ability to meet those standards
Encouraging individuals to attribute anxiety and/or difficulty to external causes81 Teach providers to provide external attributions for patients’ anxiety and difficulties Create opportunities for trainees to attribute difficulties to external causes
Education about the possible effects of stereotype threat on performance82 Educate minority trainees about the effects of stereotype threat on academic performance Educate white trainees about the effects of stereotype threat on communication with minority patients
Cues indicating an identity-safe environment (e.g., high minority representation, valuing of diversity)/absence of cues indicating an identity threatening environment (e.g., indications of sexism; low minority representation; “color blind” philosophy) 83,107 Provide cues that diversity is valued and ensure respectful treatment by all staff Provide cues that diversity is valued and recruit/retain minority faculty and students. Reduce discrimination, harassment, verbal abuse, and disrespectful treatment
Cues indicating “fair practices” (auditing practices to guard against discrimination)83 Provide cues (e.g., signs) indicating that the clinic is committed to fair and equal treatment Put into place and make students aware of procedures to monitor potential instances of discrimination
Exposure to role models who exhibit counter-stereotypic behavior8591 Recruit and retain minority providers Recruit and retain minority faculty
Having individuals identify their demographic characteristics at the end rather than the beginning of test.111,112 Modify test instructions to reduce stereotype threat
Promote interracial friendship and communication29,73,127 Structured interracial “dialogue groups”113115 Structured interracial “dialogue groups”113115
Adopt a promotion rather than a prevention focus128 Frame interracial interactions as opportunities to learn rather than situations in which one will be judged32