(A) Perinatal mortality in offspring from Slc23a1–/– dams compared with Slc23a1+/– controls. Perinatal mortality was determined after crossing unsupplemented or supplemented mice. Numbers denote deceased pups relative to total pups. (B) Pregnancy and maternal ascorbate concentrations. Plasma and urine ascorbate concentrations in spot samples from female mice (n = 5–9). Samples obtained prior to pregnancy (pre-), within 72 hours before delivery (pregnancy), and 3 weeks postpartum (post-). *P ≤ 0.05, ***P ≤ 0.001 versus unsupplemented Slc23a1–/–. (C) Ascorbate in newborn Slc23a1+/+, Slc23a1+/–, and Slc23a1–/– pups. All samples were obtained less than 24 hours postpartum. Total ascorbate (n = 5–8) and plasma ascorbate concentrations (n = 6) were determined. Additionally, Slc23a1–/– mice were crossed, with dams unsupplemented or supplemented, and plasma ascorbate values were determined (n = 5). (D) Ascorbate urine concentrations as a function of ascorbate plasma concentrations in Slc23a1–/–, Slc23a1–/– supplemented, and Slc23a1+/+ (encircled) female mice. Shown are ascorbate levels in plasma and urine samples from B. Individual dams are represented by different colors, with symbols distinguishing prepregnant (triangle), pregnant (square), and postpartum (circle) levels. Left: r2 = 0.86; x = –0.56 when y = 0 (renal threshold). Right: r2 = 0.67; x = 0.77 when y = 0 (renal threshold).