SpSpo13F79A fails to support spore formation but localizes properly to the SPB. (A) spo13-F79A cells fail to sporulate. Strain ANP3 (h90, spo13-B82) was transformed with plasmids carrying Spspo13+ or Spspo13-F79A and incubated on sporulation medium. Sporulation was assessed by light microscopy. The sporulation frequency for each strain, measured as the percentages of asci out of 200 total zygotes, is shown. (B and C) SpSpo13F79A-mRFP and SpSpo13-mRFP localize to the meiotic SPB. Strain FY12476 (h90 spo13::ura4+ ura4 leu1 sid4GFP::kanR) was transformed with plasmids carrying Spspo13+-mRFP or SpSpo13F79A-mRFP, sporulated, and examined by fluorescence microscopy.