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. 1998 Mar 14;316(7134):805–811. doi: 10.1136/bmj.316.7134.805

Table 1.

Baseline details of 540 mothers and infants recruited for study. Values are numbers (percentages) unless stated otherwise

Intervention group*
All subjects (n=540)
Variable Group A (n=135) Group B (n=135) Group C (n=135) Group D (n=135)
Mean (SD) age (years) (n=538) 23.4 (4.0)  23.2 (4.3)  23.1 (4.2)  24.0 (3.4) 23.4 (4.0)
Parity (n=510):
 Primigravida 61 (50) 65 (50) 77 (60) 68 (53) 271 (53)
 Multigravida 62 (50) 65 (50) 52 (40) 60 (47) 239 (47)
Area of living:
 Periurban 51 (37) 54 (40) 45 (33) 50 (38) 200 (37)
 Urban 84 (63) 81 (60) 90 (67) 85 (62) 340 (63)
Woman’s occupation (n=508):
 Housewife 102 (84)  106 (82)  111 (86)  102 (80)  421 (83)
 Other 20 (16) 24 (18) 18 (14) 25 (20)  87 (17)
Woman’s educational status (n=509):
 Illiterate 39 (32) 26 (20) 37 (29) 38 (30) 140 (28)
 Literate up to primary level only 26 (21) 38 (30) 31 (15) 27 (21) 122 (24)
 Secondary level and above 58 (48) 66 (50) 60 (47) 63 (49) 247 (49)
Husband’s monthly income (n=500):
 Low (<$20) 6 (5) 10 (8) 6 (5) 3 (2) 25 (5)
 Medium ($20-100) 102 (84)  96 (74) 99 (80) 105 (84)  402 (81)
 High (>$100) 14 (12) 23 (18) 19 (15) 17 (14)  73 (15)
Delivery mode:
 Normal 122 (90)  118 (87)  111 (82)  105 (78)  456 (84)
 Assisted vaginal or caesarean section 13 (10) 17 (13) 24 (18) 30 (22)  85 (16)
 Male 75 (55) 60 (45) 63 (47) 67 (49) 265 (49)
 Female 60 (45) 75 (55) 72 (53) 68 (51) 275 (51)
Mean (SD) weight (kg) (n=533) 2.75 (0.4)  2.75 (0.4)  2.78 (0.5)  2.67 (0.5)  2.74 (0.5)
Mean (SD) length (cm) (n=528) 48.5 (2.7)  48.6 (2.8)  48.7 (3.3)  48.3 (3.4)  48.5 (3.1)
Mean (SD) head circumference (cm) (n=531) 33.6 (1.3)  33.8 (2.3)  33.8 (1.9)  33.9 (2.9)  33.8 (2.2)
Mean (SD) gestation (weeks) (n=514) 39.3 (2.2)  39.4 (1.7)  39.4 (1.8)  39.1 (2.4)  39.3 (2.0)

Group A=health education given immediately after birth and 3 months later; group B=education given at birth only; group C=education given at 3 months only; group D=no education given.