Fig. 3.
Sagittal, coronal and axial sections showing activation patterns during a encoding (E–BL) versus retrieval (R–RN) contrast, normal controls; b encoding (E–BL) versus retrieval (R–RN), contrast, MTBI subjects; c encoding MTBI–normal controls contrast. d Transversal images series of the contrast in (c). Note, significantly larger activation at several regions including the lateral extrastriate visual cortex V3 (33, –76, 19), extending to V2 (–21, –85, 22); premotor cortex bilaterally (–24, 5, 58 and 30, 2, 55); and right DL-PFC (45, 38, 22) during encoding in both groups. Also note additional activation during encoding in cerebellum (33, –64, –29) and left DL-PFC (–51, 23, 22) in MTBI subjects (c). These identified peaks were not present in normal control group. The regions shown are threshold at p < 0.001, uncorrected to show subthreshold extent of the activated regions. The color bar indicates the t statistic associated with each voxel and z score equivalent