A. Schematic diagrams of EZH2-overexpressing and GFP control lentiviruses. LTR: Long Terminal Repeat; cppt: central polypurine tract; CMV: human cytomegalovirus promoter; IRES: ECMV internal ribosomal entry site; EGFP; enhanced green fluorescent protein; wpre: woodchuck post-transcriptional regulatory element. B. Schematic diagrams of short hairpin lentiviral vectors specific against EZH2 and Firefly Luciferase (control). U6: U6 pol III promoter; PGK: Phosphoglycerate Kinase Promoter. C. qRT-PCR examination of endogenous levels of EZH2 and EED in a panel of prostate cell lines, and western blot examination of endogenous EZH2. 22Rv1, DU145, LAPC4, LNCaP, and PC3 are prostate cancer cell lines. BPH1 is a prostatic epithelial cell line. α-EZH2: antibody specific for endogenous and exogenous EZH2; α-Actin: antibody specific for β-Actin, used as a loading control for all western blots. D. Western Blot examination of shRNA mediated knockdown of HA-EZH2 in 293T cells.