FIG. A1.
Interdependence between virus-related estimates. (a) Contour plot of SSE as a function of β (virus transmission) and p (virus production per cell). The point (pmin, βmin) gives the minimum SSE (red circle). The hyperbolic curve is defined as follows: β × p = constant = βmin × pmin (red curve). (b to d) The contour plots for virus shedding (b) (in log scale), IFN production (c), and the abundance of refractory cells (d) are drawn as functions of p and time (days postinfection). β is defined as βmin × pmin/p [i.e., pairs (p, β) from the red curve in panel a]. The time scale (x axis) in panel d was cut short to 2.5 days, as the abundance of refractory cells was nearly constant beyond that point.