Fig. 3.
Photographic presentation of fluorescent motor neurons in transverse sections of the spinal cord. (A) and (B) are the same section from the spinal cord segment L3 from a rat in which DiI and FG were applied to the m. psoas major (PM-l) and to the m. multifidus (Mf), respectively. (A) Viewed with a G1-A filter. Two DiI-labeled neurons (arrowheads) are identified in the lateromedial nucleus (LM). (B) Viewed with a UV filter. One FG-labeled neuron (arrowheads) is identified in the ventromedial nucleus (VM). (C) A section of the spinal cord segment L3 from a rat in which DiI was applied to the m. quadratus lumborum (QL). DiI-labeled neurons (arrowheads) are present in both the VM and the LM nuclei. The dotted line indicates the contour of the ventral horn. Horizontal bar = 500 μm.