FIG. 2.
One of 300 most-parsimonious phylograms inferred from MP analysis of the combined two-locus data set for 20 isolates within the FOSC. Sequences of the sister taxon of the FOSC, F. foetens, were used to root the phylogeny by the outgroup method. With the exception of NRRL 53121 from Milan hospital 2 (designated hospital M-2), all of the remaining 19 in-group isolates were obtained from Sesto San Giovanni Hospital in Milan. The two-locus ST is indicated to the right of the five-digit NRRL number. Two isolates of ST 33 (46436 and 46595) and three isolates of ST 93 (52681, 52682, and 52683), shaded in gray, were isolated, from separate patients with onychomycosis, respectively, on separate occasions during 2007. MP bootstrap support of ≥70% from 1,000 pseudoreplicates of the data is indicated above the nodes.