Genetic interaction between FBXW7 and PTEN in human breast cancers. The green bar indicates loss, the red bar indicates gain, and the black bar indicates no changes. (A) The data from 53 human breast cancer cell lines, ordered in the vertical axis from 1–53 (10). The copy number of FBXW7 and PTEN was determined by quantitative PCR TaqMan. Deletion of FBXW7 rarely occurred in tumors that also show deletion of PTEN (p=0.014). (B), (C) and (D) are three independent sets of human primary breast cancers, analyzed by the same BAC CGH microarray platform. (B) 185 human primary breast cancers (11). (C) 145 human primary breast cancers (12). (D) 67 human primary breast cancers (13). The copy number was determined based on the published CGH data (FBXW7 was based on BAC RP11-73G16, PTEN on BAC RP11-380G5). Loss is defined as log2(ratio) <−0.25 and gain as log2(ratio) >0.25.