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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2011 May 1.
Published in final edited form as: Soc Sci Med. 2010 Feb 12;70(9):1295–1300. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2010.01.032

Table 1.

Jurisdiction Date of State Statute Statutory Language Describing Purpose of a Cancer Registry and/or Program of Cancer Registration, Surveillance, and Research
Connecticut 1935 “The Department of Public Health may make investigations concerning cancer, the prevention and treatment thereof and the mortality therefrom and to take such action as it may deem will assist in bringing about a reduction in the mortality thereto.” (Connecticut Gen. Statutes, Title 19a, Sect. 74, (2007))
New Mexico 1972 To “conduct studies, utilizing statewide cancer registry data, including studies of the sources and causes of cancer, evaluations of the cost, quality, efficacy, and appropriateness of screening, diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitative and preventive services and programs relating to cancer and any other clinical, epidemiologic or other cancer research.” (New Mexico Statutes, Title 7, Sect. 4.3.10 (G), (2009)).
Hawaii 1973 “The department of health shall engage in the collection and analysis of statistical information on the morbidity and mortality of cancer in the State.” … “The material shall be used or published only for the purpose of advancing medical research, medical education, or education of the public in the interest of reducing morbidity or mortality.” (Hawaii Revised Statutes, Title 19, Ch. 324, (2006))
New Jersey 1977 “The Department of Health and Senior Services shall establish and maintain an up-to-date registry … in order to conduct thorough and complete epidemiologic surveys of cancer and cancer-related diseases in this State and to apply appropriate preventative and control measures.” (New Jersey Annotated Statutes, Title 26, Ch. 2-104-108, (2006)).
Michigan 1978 “The [health] department shall establish a registry to record cases of cancer and other specified tumorous and precancerous diseases that occur in the state, and to record information concerning these cases as the department considers necessary and appropriate in order to conduct epidemiologic surveys of cancer and cancer-related diseases in the state.” (Michigan Compiled Laws Service, Public Health Code § 333.2619, (2006)).
Louisiana 1978 “The president of the Louisiana State University System shall establish … a statewide registry program for reporting cancer cases for the purpose of gathering statistical data to aid in the assessment of cancer incidence, survival rates, possible causes of specific cancers, and other related aspects of cancer in Louisiana. The program shall collect and disseminate cancer incidence data on a statewide level…” (Louisiana Revised Statutes, Title 40, Pt XXVII, § 1299.80 et seq., (2006)).
Florida 1979 “The department shall establish … a statewide cancer registry program to ensure that cancer reports required under this section shall be maintained and available for use in the course of any study for the purpose of reducing morbidity or mortality.” (Statewide Cancer Registry, FLA. stat. ch. 385.202 (2009)).
Massachusetts 1980 The department shall … establish a registry to record certain cases of malignant disease and benign brain-related tumors that occur in residents of the commonwealth, and such information concerning these cases as it shall deem necessary and appropriate in order to conduct epidemiologic surveys of cancer and benign brain-related tumors and to apply appropriate preventive and control measures. (Cancer Registry, Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 111, § 111B (2007)).
California 1985 “The department shall conduct a program of epidemiologic assessments of the incidence of cancer.” … “The program shall include monitoring of cancers associated with suspected carcinogens encountered by the general public both in occupational locations and in the environment generally.” … “The program shall … analyze available incidence data and prepare reports and perform studies as necessary to identify cancer hazards to the public health and their remedies.” (California Health & Safety Code § 103875-103885, (2006)).
Nebraska 1986 “It is the intent of the Legislature to require the establishment and maintenance of a cancer registry for the State of Nebraska. … This cancer registry should provide a central data bank of accurate, precise, and current information which medical authorities state will assist in the research for the prevention, cure, and control of cancer. The information contained in the cancer registry may be used as a source of data for scientific and medical research. (Cancer Registry, R.R.S. Neb. § 81-642 (2009)).
Colorado 1989 “The department has … the powers and duties provided in this section … [t]o establish and maintain a statewide cancer registry providing for compilation and analysis of appropriate information regarding incidence, diagnosis, treatment, and end results and any other data designed to provide more effective cancer control for the citizens of Colorado.” (Powers and Duties of the Department of Public Health and Environment, C.R.S. 25-1.5-101 (2009)).
Kentucky 1990 “There is hereby established within the Kentucky cancer program the Kentucky Cancer Registry … for the purpose of providing accurate and up-to-date information about cancer in Kentucky and facilitating the evaluation and improvement of cancer prevention, screening, diagnosis, therapy, rehabilitation, and community care activities for the citizens for the citizens of the Commonwealth.” (Kentucky Revised Statutes, Title 18, Sect. 214.556, (2006)).