CIDEA, HAAO and RXFP3 are novel hypermethylated markers in endometrial cancer. (A) Summary of the methylation status of sixteen loci by COBRA in endometrial cancer cell lines as well as in primary tissues. (B–D, left panels) COBRA in endometrial cancer cell lines. u, unmethylated band; m, methylated bands; SssI, 100% methylated control; N, one pooled sample derived from two noncancerous endometrial tissues as negative control; +, AciI restriction enzyme added; −, without AciI. (B–D, right panels) Relative expression levels of CIDEA, HAAO and RXFP3 mRNA in endometrial cancer cell lines treated with DAC and/or TSA in relation to untreated controls was determined by RT-qPCR analysis. GAPDH was used as internal control gene. Error bar, SD; *, P<0.05 compared with untreated control of the same cell type.