Fig. 6.
Correlation analysis between %dMBP and density/size of oligodendrocytes in the frontal lobe of AD cases. a The %dMBP did not significantly correlate with the size of oligodendrocytes (OLGs) in two AD cases but it did in one AD case (r = 0.56). Each point represents a ROI (n = 20–22) within WM per Fig. 3a. b The %dMBP significantly correlated with the density of oligodendrocytes (blue points, r = 0.84; red points, r = 0.68; green points, r = 0.82; light-blue points, r = 0.85; brown points, r = 0.87). c Images for dMBP and GSTpi in two adjacent sections in an 87-year-old patient with AD, showing that increased myelin damage (from left to right panels) is accompanied by increased density of oligodendrocytes (scale bars 50 μm)