Xylosyltransferase activity was measured by RP-HPLC (A-F) or MALDI-TOF MS (G) after incubation of the dansylated perlecan acceptor substrate with concentrated culture supernatants of pgsA-745 cells transfected with either human XT-I (A,B) or human XT-II (C,D,G), untransfected cells (E) or cells transfected with the pPA-TEV vector lacking an insert (F), in the presence (A,C,E,F) or absence (B,D) of UDP-xylose for 12 hours. In order to minimise the appearance of a degraded form the substrate (eluting ~1.5 minutes earlier), these assays were performed in the presence of EDTA. The xylosylation status of the annotated individual HPLC peaks was verified after collection by MALDI-TOF MS.