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. 2010 Apr;48(5):1501–1509. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2010.01.022

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4

Time courses of activity in brain areas associated with scene construction. This figure summarises the main areas activated in the inter-element contrasts simultaneously on one set of brain slices, with the activations colour coded dependent on response profile. The activations (left panel) are thresholded here at p < 0.005 (uncorrected) for display purposes, and shown on the averaged structural MRI scan of the 19 participants. Areas in red, including left hippocampus, retrosplenial cortex, bilateral parahippocampal gyrus, had a biphasic response, being most active for elements 1 and 3. By contrast, areas shown in blue, including IPS and angular gyrus, had responses that peaked at element 3. While regions shown in green, including dorsolateral prefrontal and lateral temporal cortices, peaked at element 2. To the right are example beta plots for each response type taken from a contrast neutral with respect to element position (all elements > all controls), as well as inset images of the actual activations and exact coordinates from the neutral contrast. In the Supplementary Materials (Fig. S1) we include a range of other examples of beta plots derived from the all elements > all controls contrast to further illustrate the three response profiles. ‘E’ on the x-axis refers to the number of elements received at that point in the scene construction process. The y-axis represents arbitrary unit of the parameter estimates (betas). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of the article.)

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