Effects of kindling and PB treatment on protein levels of P-GP in hippocampus and cerebral cortex. The treated kindled rats (PTZ-PB rats) and age-matched treated rats (PB-CT rats) were given PB (45 mg·kg−1·day−1, p.o.) for 14 or 40 consecutive days. Age-matched control rats (CT rats) and untreated kindled rats (PTZ-CT rats) only received 0.25% CMC-Na. Representative Western blot of P-GP in hippocampus (A) and cortex (C) and ratio of relative staining intensity for P-GP in hippocampus (B) and cortex (D) are shown. Each band corresponding to 170 kDa was observed. Data are presented as mean ± SD (n= 4). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 versus CT rats and ##P < 0.05 versus PTZ-CT rats using anova statistics following by Student–Newman–Keuls multiple comparison post hoc test. P-GP, P-glycoprotein; PB, phenobarbital; PTZ, pentylenetetrazole.