Pub1 polymers depend on the [PSI+] determinant. (A) Polymers of Sup35 and Pub1 in [PSI+][PIN+] cells, (B) Absence of Pub1 polymers in [psi−][PIN+] cells, (C) Disappearance of Pub1 polymers upon [PSI+] elimination, (D) Pub1 can polymerize in [psi−][PIN+] cells overproducing Rnq1. + and −, presence or absence of a prion determinant; −*, [PSI+] was eliminated by Hsp104 overproduction; wt and ↑, wild type or increased levels of Pub1; +↑ and +M, Rnq1 was overproduced in [PIN+] cells from multicopy plasmids with either the native or MET17 promoter. Note: Pub1 monomers occupy a large area at the bottom of a gel. This is likely to be due to a high monomer proportion for Pub1 and low resolution of agarose gel for monomeric proteins aggravated by overloading of this area of the gel, which accommodates most of the cellular proteins.