Figure 3.3.
Flies mutant for bs show no increase in LNV terminals following exposure to social enrichment. (A) LNV projections in socially isolated pdf-GAL4/+; UAS-dlg-GFP/+ flies (left, representative image) contain fewer GFP-positive terminals than those of socially enriched siblings (right, representative image). (B) Following 5 days of social enrichment, wild-type controls exhibit a significant increase in the number of LNV postsynaptic terminals labeled with dlg-GFP (left), but no change in the number of postsynaptic terminals can be detected in flies carrying a mutant allele for bs (right). (C) Similarly, an increased number of LNV presynaptic terminals labeled with VAMPGFP-GFP can be measured in wild-type control flies (left), but no change in presynaptic terminal number was observed in flies with the bs3 mutation (right).