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. 2010 Apr 7;5(4):e10068. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0010068

Table 1. Logistic regression slope, standard error, Wald test with statistical significance, Odds Ratio and 95% Confidence Interval of the probability for a paper to report a positive result, depending on the following study characteristics: discipline of the journal in which the paper was published, papers testing more than one hypothesis (only the first of which was included in the study).

Variable B SE Wald df Sig. OR 95%CI OR
Discipline (all) 61.238 19 <0.001
Geosciences 0.198 0.295 0.453 1 0.501 1.219 0.684–2.174
Environment/ Ecology 0.353 0.289 1.490 0.222 1.423 0.808–2.508
Plant and Animal Sciences 0.472 0.277 2.900 1 0.089 1.604 0.931–2.761
Computer Science 0.711 0.390 3.329 1 0.068 2.036 0.949–4.372
Agricultural  Sciences 0.826 0.337 6.014 1 0.014 2.284 1.180–4.420
Physics 0.856 0.392 4.766 1 0.029 2.354 1.091–5.078
Neuroscience & Behaviour 0.872 0.316 7.616 1 0.006 2.393 1.288–4.446
Microbiology 0.903 0.320 7.973 1 0.005 2.467 1.318–4.616
Chemistry 0.911 0.360 6.391 1 0.011 2.487 1.227–5.041
Social Sciences, General 1.006 0.321 9.808 1 0.002 2.735 1.457–5.134
Immunology 0.984 0.323 9.311 1 0.002 2.676 1.422–5.035
Engineering 1.076 0.402 7.175 1 0.007 2.934 1.335–6.448
Mol. Biology & Genetics 1.081 0.343 9.930 1 0.002 2.947 1.505–5.772
Economics &  Business 1.624 0.385 17.780 1 <0.001 5.073 2.385–10.792
Biology &  Biochemistry 1.216 0.365 11.084 1 0.001 3.372 1.649–6.897
Clinical Medicine 1.286 0.355 13.090 1 <0.001 3.618 1.803–7.262
Pharm. & Toxicology 1.297 0.347 13.936 1 <0.001 3.658 1.851–7.226
Materials Science 1.395 0.396 12.433 1 <0.001 4.034 1.858–8.760
Psychiatry/Psychology 1.569 0.372 18.427 1 <0.001 4.935 2.381–10.230
Multiple hypotheses −0.877 0.221 15.756 1 <0.001 0.416 0.27–0.642
Constant 0.856 0.214 15.962 1 <0.001 2.355

The effect of discipline was tested for overall effect then each discipline was contrasted to Space Science by indicator contrast.