Patient-Selected Goals and Activities for Incentive Reinforcement
Specific Goals | Activities | Verification Methods |
Further education | Obtain information about classes, programs Complete financial aid forms |
Call from office, brochures Completed applications |
Get a job | Work on resume, arrange for references Make and keep an appointment with a job counselor Go to job interviews |
Printed resume, call from office Signed business card, paperwork Business cards of interviewers |
Engage in volunteer work | Obtain information about volunteer opportunities Volunteer |
Brochures Signed, dated form |
Improve parenting performance | Straighten out legal problems with respect to children Take children on outings |
Letters, business cards, proof of support payment Receipts, programs, party favors |
Get medical checkups and care | Make doctor, dentist, eye appointments Get needed information from doctor (prescription refill, test results, etc.) |
Call from office, give appointment date Call from office, receipts, printed brochures |
Improve nutrition | Go to dietitian or nutritionist Go grocery shopping |
Business card, written information Receipt |
Obtain sober housing | Meet with housing counselor Find appropriate apartments in newspaper Look at apartments |
Forms, business cards Circled ads List of pros, cons, prices |
Manage time | Be on time for appointments with counselor, groups | Counselor’s certification |
Increase commitment to treatment | List treatment goals | Completed lists |
Put finances in order | Clear up bank statement, pay bills | Paperwork, receipts |
Affiliate with a 12-step fellowship | Obtain information about particiption Attend a minimum number of meetings |
Pamphlet, info, counselor confirms with AA leaders Signed, dated pamphlets |
Keep a recovery journal | Complete worksheets in recovery books | Completed worksheets |
Source: Adapted from Petry et al., Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2001.