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. 2010 Mar 29;10:e25.

Table 2.

Summary of study population characteristics by biopsy category*

Biopsy category
Characteristic Benign, no atypia Infiltrating cancer or DCIS Premalignant No biopsy (benign) P
Mean age at menarche, y 13 12 13 13 .9997
Mean age at first pregnancy, y 25 22 24 24 .8622
% Nulliparous 79.1 100.0 66.7 75.8 .9299
Mean age at diagnosis, y 36 38 38 35 .0959
Menopausal status .0307
Premenopausal 86 6 6 433
Postmenopausal 6 0 0 48
Perimenopausal 0 0 1 4
Screening breast EIS result <.001
 Negative 87 4 4 473
 Positive 5 2 3 13
Clinical breast examination result <.001
 No findings 19 2 4 359
 Not suspicious 55 1 2 124
 Suspicious 18 3 1 3
Hormone replacement therapy .9460
 Current 1 0 0 14
 Past 1 0 0 3
 Never 90 6 7 469
Bra cup size .0094
 A 4 3 0 39
 B 25 1 3 123
 C 18 0 1 110
 D+ 6 1 1 65
 Not recorded 39 1 2 149
Mammogram results <.001
 BIRADS 0 3 0 3 8
 BIRADS I or II 27 0 2 163
 BIRADS III 6 0 0 30
 BIRADS IV 26 3 2 4
 BIRADS V 0 3 0 1
 No mammogram 30 0 0 280
Family history category .1035
 One first degree 7 1 0 51
 One second degree 18 1 2 87
 One first degree and one or more second degree 0 1 0 6
 Two or more first degree 6 0 2 42
 Two or more second degree 55 2 3 266
 No significant family history 6 1 0 34
Gail model 5-year risk category, % <.001
 <1.66 86 2 5 441
 ≥1.66 4 3 1 22
 Not recorded 2 1 1 23

*BIRADS indicates Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System; EIS, electrical impedance scanning; and DCIS, ductal carcinoma in situ.

P value of cancer and premalignant populations compared with benign population.