(A, B) NEAOT resident females attack intruder males equivalently to WT male residents. NVAOT females do not initiate attacks. (C) NEAOT females deposit many urine drops away from the cage perimeter, in a manner equivalent to WT males. (D, E) TfmAT residents attack intruder males in a manner similar to WT male residents. TfmAV residents do not initiate attacks. (F) TfmAT males deposit significantly more urine drops than TfmAV males. Horizontal dashed lines denote the mean values of these behavioral displays in WT males. Mean ± SEM; n ≥ 5; * p ≤ 0.031, ** p ≤ 0.002; these p values were obtained for the comparisons between NEAOT and NVAOT females, and TfmAT and TfmAV mutant males.